Rick from 'Doof N Pus'


My attempts at making buttons

button titled 'HellaCool', with an image of Perry the Platypus in a black coat and glasses 'Where's Perry?' With an image of Perry the platypus Non GMO Project verified button

Cool Sites

Smooth Sailing NekoWeb: the free, cat-themed website hoster Be a WebMaster Now! Aywrens Nook Camo93 SunnyShines 'Grulovia Now' Dizzy's Bunny Hell Acori Sage the angel's den GirlInside Lunospace SleepySage PorceLana The Webrings Fanlisiting Key's Klubhouse RetroWorld95 RoyalBlue Felix Fever; with the image of Fix It Felix from Wreck it Ralph on the side Sokkblog meyr0s3.neocities.org

Other cool buttons

NeoCities.org--The web is yours Ezgif.com Now! HTML: Learn it today! Non GMO Project verified button Pro Ao3 Freak World Wide Web--Connecting people since 1991 Spidey Now! 1.0 Free home pages at: GeoCities Made with Windows Betty's Graphics: 1000s of Graphics at Betty's Graphics Made dirrectly in the NeoCities code editor, like an idiot Gutenberg Project I made my own website. You can too. button with a photo of a grandma NeoCities Now Wikipedia: the free encyclopedia Make email common again!! Buttons now! Nyan Cat I dream in HTML Club Penguin This site is powered by: imagination