Dr Doofenshmirtz reading a newspaper
Daily Danville News logo: a sun rising, with a trumpet on its left and right


Welcome to HellaCool.neocities.org!

This website will be a place to share my interests and whatnot. There's a lot still that needs to be added to this website

As you might've noticed, this website has a lot of things related to the show Phineas and Ferb. Though I am no longer completely obsessed with Phineas and FerbI worked on a lot of this when I was, and so this website still has the design inspired from fictional show Dr Doofenshmirtz created in the episode Nerds of a Feather, called 'Doof N Pus'. I plan to create a little section on this page later about the inspirations for the website's pages, so keep an eye out for that!

Current obsession: Batjokes hehehe; so that will be infiltrating this website soon enough(check out "ALL NEW!" in navigating page)

Also, I make most of this websites edits directly from neocities editor, so at times you may see things keep changing as you refresh.

Check out my site's profile; button 'E-mail' button Guestbook

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(About the comics; not live actions) Every Batman villain represents some part of Bruce. And though many claim Joker represents the contrasting chaos to Batman's justice, I don't believe that does him justice as Batman's greatest foe or is fully accurate(though true in some extent). My conclusion is that a more accurate interpretation of Joker's role is that he represents the city of Gotham herself.

Both are dark, violent, uncontrollable, yet with a style to them; they can seem larger than life. Both have hurt millions of people, Bruce, and even themselves due to their nature. Batman can't give up on either

Coming soon.../To-do list

  • Collection's page(for buttons, etc.)
  • Guestbook
  • Email button
  • Not found page update
  • Doof and Perry shrine(s)
  • Small section on this page about the websites design—maybe even a page on it
  • Blog
  • Expand my button collection
  • other