Dr Doofenshmirtz reading a newspaper
Daily Danville News logo: a sun rising, with a trumpet on its left and right


Welcome to HellaCool.neocities.org!

HOWDY! I'm Malcolm and this is my website, which will be a place to share my interets and just code whatever for fun.

The inspirations for the design of the navigation page, this page, and the collections page are--more generally--from the late 2000s, Disney channel, hit animated show Phineas and Ferb, but more specifically from the fictional show the character Dr Doofenshmirtz tries to pitch in the episode Nerds of a Feather, called 'Doof N Pus'. Since I am now no longer obsessed with Phineas and Ferb, new pages made on this website will not share the Doof N Pus design, but I am still planning on working on a Phineas and Ferb shrine once I'm done with the Batman shrine (I have the plans and images ready, just need to put the pnf page together).

Current obsession: Batjokes hehehe; so that will be infiltrating this website soon enough.

This page is also mean to look like the local newspaper of the city Phineas and Ferb are in

Check out my site's profile; button Guestbook 'E-mail' button

Currently New on HellaCool.neocities.org:

Batman shrine in the works! Gonna end up having some character descriptions and small collections of comic images, panels, covers I really like

Phineas and Ferb shrine? I have the plans and digital artifacts for the pnf shrine, would just need to get to doing it...so someday it'll come but maybe not right now

Last updated 27.12.2024


Last updated 22.1.2025



(About the comics; not live actions) Every Batman villain represents some part of Bruce. And though many claim Joker represents the contrasting chaos to Batman's justice, I don't believe that does him justice as Batman's greatest foe or is fully accurate(though true in some extent). My conclusion is that a more accurate interpretation of Joker's role is that he represents the city of Gotham herself.

Both are dark, violent, uncontrollable, yet with a style to them; they can seem larger than life. Both have hurt millions of people, Bruce, and even themselves due to their nature. Batman can't give up on either. (//nice addition on Bruce not being able to kill Joker--if he kills Joker, he admits that Some are beyond any help or saving and need to be killed for a better future(a core part of his belief is that no one's beyond saving), and if so then why couldn't he finally accept that Gotham is a city that doesn't want to be and can't be helped?)

Coming soon.../To-do list

  • Working on Batshrine
  • Doof and Perry shrine(s)
  • Small section on this page about the websites design—maybe even a page on it?
  • Blog
  • Expand my button collection
  • other

My current personal playlist?

Local boy holds newspaper

Ferb Fletcher holding the Daily Danville newspaper


- try getting each vertical row, horizontal row, and box to have every number from 1-9 once
